Home Degrees Master's Masters in Education Degrees in Illinois

Masters in Education Degrees in Illinois

According to a 2018 Education Week report, the average Illinois teacher’s salary of $64,993 is enough for the state to rank among the top 10 in the country. This is primarily because teachers in Chicago can make around $10,000 more than the national average.  And, according to the Illinois Network News, recent state legislation requires that by July 2019 the base teacher salary across the state will be $40,000. Payscale.com reports that starting high school teachers in Chicago earn $47,854.


Sound enticing? Read on for more information on where and how you can earn your master of arts in teaching in Illinois, different careers you go into after earning your graduate education degree (hint: it’s not just teaching!), or request information from one of the schools listed below to take the first step towards earning your advanced degree in education! 

Earning your Master’s in Education in Illinois

The 2018 annual US News report on the top graduate education programs in the country ranks two Illinois universities in the top 25 in the nation. If you want to earn your Master of Arts in Teaching, Illinois offers several options, as well as other advanced education degree options:


Programs Offered


Northwestern University 

MSEd degrees in Elementary and Secondary education

Evanston (suburb of Chicago)

University of Illinois—​Urbana-​Champaign 


Many different areas of concentration are available.


University of Illinois–Chicago

The University of Illinois, Chicago College of Education offers a number of Master’s degrees programs


Aurora University

M.Ed in education leadership, curriculum and instruction, reading instruction, special education, and others


Wheaton College

Offers Master of Arts in teaching degrees for elementary and secondary education


As you can see from the table, if you want to earn your master’s in education, Chicago might be a great place to look. If you aren’t a big city person, the University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign might be another great school to attend. If one of these or any of the other options listed on this page appeal to you but you don’t know how to afford it, we’ve got some great resources and financial aid options listed in the section below.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

If you’re looking for education master’s programs, Chicago might be a great place to look – but programs there can be pricey, and so can other programs across the state. If you’ve decided you want to earn an advanced education degree but need help paying for it, check out a few grant and scholarship options we’ve compiled just for you:

Working in Illinois with a Master’s in Education Degree

According to careeronestop.org, jobs for Illinois elementary school teachers are expected to grow  4 percent from between now and 226, or about 4,330 job openings a year.  Employment growth and wages vary by district, with Chicago offering the highest median salaries:  $63,190 compared to $58,820. Experience and education levels provide increases in salaries for educators so, not factoring in years of experience, teachers who hold a master’s degree earn more than those who have not completed an advanced degree. 

Universities, government, private industry and non-profit groups often conduct, sponsor, or fund research projects, so teachers interested in getting involved in research may find diverse opportunities within the state, including:

Opportunities also exist outside of teaching. Teachers with a master’s degree in education often move into corporate jobs as trainers or other positions that require good communication skills.  A few options in Illinois include:

Illinois is a great place to earn your degree or begin your career in education. Request information today from any of the schools listed on this page to get underway!

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