Home Degrees Master's Master's Degree in Elementary Education

Master’s Degree in Elementary Education

Whether you’ve worked in the education field before or you’re just starting to explore your options in elementary education, you may recognize that elementary school education is an essential part of America’s future. A good elementary school teacher or administrator can encourage kids to love learning, to never give up, and to continue their education beyond high school. Keep reading to learn more about Master’s certification programs in elementary education, then request program materials from the schools you see below.

To enroll in a Master’s degree program in elementary education, you must have a Bachelor’s degree. Some schools accept students with non-education Bachelor’s degrees, although this route may require you to spend slightly more time in school. If you have a teaching degree already, you may be able to graduate with a Master’s degree in about two years.

Curriculum Requirements for Master Programs in Elementary Education

The courses included in a Master’s-level Elementary Ed program are designed to explore advanced education theories, develop high-level teaching skills, and prepare students for leadership roles in teaching. Your curriculum may include courses like Instruction in the Context of Curriculum, Elementary School Curriculum, and Methods of Individualizing Instruction. You may also learn techniques for teaching individual subjects, like Advanced Study in the Teaching of Reading in Elementary Schools and Advanced Study in the Teaching of Science in the Elementary School.

To round out your education, you must complete a practicum, internship, or a Master’s thesis. A practicum or internship may be better for you if you want to keep teaching, while a Master’s thesis may be beneficial for those wanting to go into research or administration.

A number of scholarships and grants are available to graduate education students in the United States. Prospective Educator Scholarships are available through the PDK Educational Foundation. If you take out student loans for your education, you may be able to get loan repayment assistance with T.E.A.C.H. Grants.

Career and Salary Information for Elementary Education

If you are already a licensed teacher in your state, you likely do not have to pursue any further certification after earning a Master’s degree. However, if this is your first education degree, you may need to get a teaching license through your state’s Board of Education.
The future may be bright for elementary school educators and administrators. Through 2022, O*Net anticipates a 12% increase in elementary teaching jobs. Their reports show that elementary school teachers earn an average salary of $53,590 per year (O*Net, 2013). Job openings for education administrators may increase by 6% through 2022; administrators report an average salary of $88,380 annually (O*Net, 2013).

Advancing your education with a Master’s degree may pay off when it comes to your teaching techniques, your interactions with peers, and the effect you have on students’ lives. Learn more today by contacting Master’s degree programs in elementary education listed below.

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