Home Careers in Education Elementary School Teacher Vermont

Elementary Education Degrees in Vermont

Education is one of the most complex industries in the United States. It’s regulated at the federal level, but states and school districts still have substantial power. If you want to teach elementary students in Vermont, you have to be well-versed on federal standards and Vermont requirements. Elementary school teachers are a substantial part of public education in Vermont, creating a solid foundation for children to build on in their adolescent and postsecondary years.

Becoming an Elementary Teacher in Vermont

As you know, education is a field with lots of requirements for its professionals. To become a good teacher, you have to get the right training and meet state licensure requirements. Learn more about what it takes to become a teacher in Vermont by reaching out to elementary education programs near you.

Vermont has a long history of supporting its educators and creating an environment in which children can learn. The results of a recent study list Vermont among the top five states in the country for education (The Advertiser, 2017). The training you get in a Vermont elementary education program may make you an excellent addition to school districts all over the state.

Ready to take your place in this industry and figure out what unique perspectives you bring to this field? Star your search for the perfect school now by contacting elementary teacher programs in Vermont.

Getting Your Elementary Education Degree in Vermont

As you start to prepare for a teacher training program in Vermont, you have to decide which degree makes the best use of your education and experience. If you have a Bachelor in elementary education, you may be interested in earning a Master’s in elementary education. This degree requires an additional two to four years of education beyond your Bachelor’s degree, although it may take longer if you plan on working full-time while studying. Since you need to have classroom experience and a current teaching license before you enroll in this program, you may be able to do this as an elementary education online degree.

Most aspiring elementary school teachers don’t already have a Bachelor’s degree. If that’s the case for you, start your journey by earning an undergraduate elementary education degree. This type of degree takes four years of full-time study and results in the completion of 120 credits. At this level of training, you may study topics like pedagogy, educational research, learning outcomes, and ethics in education.

Elementary Education Course Options in Vermont

  • Learners and Learning Processes
  • School and Society
  • Meeting Needs of Diverse Learners
  • Teachers and the Teaching Process
  • Social Education and Social Studies
  • Teaching Science for Meaning
  • Lab Experience in Inquiry
  • Teaching Math for Meaning
  • Children’s Literature and Literacy
  • Language Arts and Literacy Skills

Of course, you also have to know how to work with students. That’s why you should get experience in lots of elementary classrooms by the time you graduate. As you approach your final year in your program, you should know which grade you’d like to work with long-term. That may help you choose a student teaching assignment.

Once you’ve successfully finished your undergraduate degree and you’re ready to begin working, getting your license is the next step. This process goes through the State of Vermont Agency of Education. You begin by passing the Praxis II and getting your Level I license. You receive your Level II teaching license after three years of full-time teaching experience.

What’s holding you back from becoming a teacher? Make today the day that you take the plunge and start preparing for a new career! Reach out to teaching programs near you to get the ball rolling.

Working as an Elementary Educator in Vermont

The field of education has remained steady in Vermont for several years, and this trend is expected to continue for years to come. From 2014 through 2024, O*Net anticipates an average of 70 new elementary education jobs per year (2017). Salaries in this area tend to be significantly higher than they are in many other areas; the average salary for a Vermont elementary teacher is $56,940 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017).

One of the benefits of working as a teacher is the huge support network you can build. There’s always something new to learn in teaching, and getting involved in your local teaching community may help you continue to grow professionally. Start your search at the Vermont National Education Association, one of the most comprehensive resources for working teachers in this state.

Teachers positively impact students’ lives, strengthen families, and make communities healthier. Learn more about your training opportunities in this field today by requesting information from Vermont colleges and universities.

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