Home Careers in Education Elementary School Teacher North Carolina

Elementary Education Degrees in North Carolina

Education is one of the largest industries in the United States. Public education is a significant part of American society, equalizing the differences caused by socioeconomic status, family makeup, and income levels. Becoming an elementary school teacher may put you in a place where you can help children learn, build meaningful relationships with community members, and make a difference. Once you decide to study elementary education, you can compare training options at North Carolina schools and find a degree that suits you.

Becoming an Elementary Teacher in North Carolina

You’ve likely had teachers that have completely changed your life. Are you ready to do that for children in your community? If so, make your move now and reach out to elementary education training programs in North Carolina.

In North Carolina, education is truly a community-wide priority. The state changed its testing standards several years back, putting pressure on schools to improve student outcomes and test scores. Communities have banded together, working alongside schools to help them meet their testing and assessment requirements (Education Dive, 2017). With this type of support, it’s much easier for teachers to effectively reach students. As a teacher, you may get the chance to partner with parents, area leaders, and past students to influence growth in your school district.

This is your chance to find out how a Bachelor in elementary education could change your life and your career path. Explore our list of North Carolina education programs and contact the schools that catch your eye.

Getting Your Elementary Education Degree in North Carolina

As you explore different schools in North Carolina, you should carefully compare what they offer. You may spend four to five years earning your elementary education degree, and you want to attend a school where you truly feel at home. You may compare schools by looking at their admissions requirements. Bachelor’s-level programs typically accept students with minimal past training, since this degree is targeted at new high school graduates. However, you may need a GPA of 3.0 or higher to be considered for a teaching program.

Another way you may compare schools is looking at their curricular requirements. Many schools have overlapping course requirements. However, it’s essential to compare the type and amount of training you get at each school. Generally, the more time you spend getting classroom experience, the more prepared you may be for the job search after graduation. To take this one step further, you can also explore each program’s learning outcomes.

As a new freshman, you may start off by meeting general education requirements. General education courses explore subjects like math, English, and the humanities. From there, you may apply to your school’s teaching program and begin your education coursework.

Elementary Education Course Options in North Carolina

  • Orientation to Teaching
  • Educational Psychology
  • Assessment of Learning
  • Special Needs Education
  • Foundations in Literary Assessment Planning
  • Methods and Materials for Teaching Elementary Mathematics
  • Principles of Teaching Reading in K-9
  • Integrated Science Education

No matter which school you attend as an undergraduate student, classroom experience is essential for your learning and professional growth. You don’t wait until your final semester of school, when you do your semester of student teaching. Instead, you start getting practical experience in your first semester as an education student. You may start off slow, spending just a few hours in the classroom per week. As you move through your required courses, you may take on more responsibility in the classroom and spend more time working with students.

If you already have a Bachelor’s degree, you may want to earn a Master’s in elementary education. This degree requires a Bachelor’s degree. Some schools may be open to students from non-education backgrounds, but others expect you to already have a Bachelor’s in education and a teaching license. For working teachers, this may be a convenient way to do your elementary education online degree.

Earning your degree is the first step. Once you’ve finished this, you can apply for your license. Currently, licensure is regulated by the North Carolina State Board of Education. You have to pass the Praxis II in elementary education. Passing this test may allow you to get your Standard Professional 1 license. This is the license made for new teachers and it’s valid for three years. Once you have three years of experience, you may apply for a Standard Professional 2 License.

There’s no doubt that teachers can have a ripple effect in their communities, positively affecting students, families, and community members. Take the first step toward a license now by contacting North Carolina teaching programs.

Working as an Elementary Educator in North Carolina

As a general rule, the field of education is growing rapidly in North Carolina. This may be due to North Carolina’s largely rural population. In rural areas, schools are often understaffed. It can be difficult to find and retain skilled teachers in remote areas. If you’re willing to work in a smaller school, you may have a variety of job options to explore. Between 2014 and 2024, job openings for elementary school teachers may increase 9% (O*Net, 2017). Currently, elementary school teachers earn an average of $43,900 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017). You may boost your income by attending continuing education programs, earning a higher-level license, and staying long enough to get seniority at your place of employment.

Don’t forget how important it is to network as a new teacher. New teachers have a ton to learn, from classroom management and time management to community interaction. By connecting with other teachers in your area, you can learn their tips and tricks. This may also help you learn about job opportunities in your area. Many teaching organizations run continuing education programs for teachers who need CE credits for license renewal. A good place to start is the North Carolina Association of Educators.

Don’t wait any longer to start the journey to a new career. Browse our list of North Carolina teaching programs now and reach out to schools that fit your learning style.

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