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Elementary Education Degrees in Florida

No matter what changes affect other industries in Florida, education remains an area of focus in this state. Florida’s population of young families is growing steadily, and one of the biggest factors for young families is school quality. When Florida’s schools have highly educated, devoted teachers, children benefit. So does the state as a whole.

Children who can think critically, learn new information, and stick to difficult tasks until they are completed can encourage positive growth and changes when they reach adulthood. The journey to a comprehensive education begins in elementary school for most students.

Becoming an Elementary School Teacher in Florida

As an elementary school teacher, you can legally teach elementary and lower middle school grades. Getting a great teaching education can help you meet the specific educational goals of students at each grade level.

Learn more about earning a degree in elementary education by contacting Florida schools today.

A big area of focus in Florida schools is equality. When schools in well-funded districts have access to technology, additions, and new staff members before low-income districts, students who are economically disadvantaged are further burdened by the school system. However, Florida leaders have proposed an increase in funding to repair old schools and ensure that they reach the same standards as more recently built schools (Tampa Bay, 2016). This legislation would go a long way in establishing equality for Florida students.

Are you ready to earn a teaching degree in Florida and help children love learning?

Take the first step now and reach out to top elementary education programs below.

Getting Your Elementary Education Degree in Florida

The primary certification path in Florida involves completion of a Bachelor’s degree. While there are alternative certification paths, including accelerated certificates and Master’s degree programs, most new teaching students do not have any postsecondary education. Over a span of approximately four years, you may get the training you need by earning between 120 and 140 credits.

In the first stage of education, you build your general knowledge base in general education courses. It’s important to do well in these classes, since they are how you are assessed when you apply to your institution’s teaching program. Earning high grades and having clearly outlined career goals may help you as you go through the application process.

The next step is starting your teaching courses. New teaching students often take classes in general teaching theory and educational research. Quite a few Florida programs now require students to get classroom experience right away, since this makes it easy for students to change their certification level if their initial choice is not a good fit.

Elementary Teaching Coursework in Florida

  • Measurement and Evaluation of Educational Growth
  • Language Arts for Elementary Schools
  • Foundations of Teaching Reading
  • Mathematics for Elementary Schools
  • Science for Elementary Schools
  • Teaching Diverse Populations
  • Methods of Teaching Mathematics
  • Children’s Literature

Your practical experience should continue throughout your degree. Every teacher you observe brings new skills and techniques to the table, so there is always something new for you to learn. Take advantage of their expertise, ask plenty of questions, and find out how you can improve your classroom presence and teaching techniques.

Putting in this extra work early on can help you be more prepared for your student teaching semester, a full-time task that shows you precisely what the day-to-day work of a classroom teacher is like.

Your education should leave you feeling adequately prepared for the certification process. In Florida, this process is overseen by the Florida Department Of Education. They administer the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations. To become an elementary teacher, you must pass the Professional Education exam, the General Knowledge exam, and the Elementary Education K-6 exam.

Don’t wait any longer to find out how you can earn a degree in elementary education.

Browse the list of Florida schools below and request information from elementary education teaching programs.

Working as an Elementary Educator in Florida

With your elementary education degree and teaching license, you are ready to make a difference in a local public or private elementary school. At this point in your career, it is especially important to become active in the local teaching community and stay on top of changes in federal standards, state standards, and evidence-based teaching techniques. The Florida Education Association is the largest professional organization for educators in this estate.

While the demand for teachers is growing in many areas, the teaching shortage is particularly severe in Florida. From 2014 through 2024, job openings for elementary school teachers are expected to increase 14% in Florida (O*Net, 2016). On average, Florida elementary school teachers earn $47,630 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016).

Ready to take the plunge and get involved in the world of education?

Reach out to Florida elementary education programs to find the right school for you.

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