Home Degrees Doctorate Wisconsin Doctorate in Education Programs!

Wisconsin Doctorate in Education Programs!

EducationDegree.com can help you find and compare accredited doctorate in education (EdD) programs available for Wisconsin students. Continue reading to find out more about earning your EdD and the career outlook for graduates. You’ll find there are a variety of roles related to the field of education that individuals can pursue upon completion. You can also contact schools from our listings below. We recommend contacting multiple schools to make sure you choose the best program for you.

Earning your Ed.D. in Wisconsin

There are several quality universities and colleges in Wisconsin that offer a large choice of graduate programs in education. One of the top universities offers an educational administration and supervision program, which prepares the student to work in a school district as an elementary, middle or secondary school administrator. Students are also prepared to work as special education directors in pupil services, as a school curriculum manager or as a school business manager.

Another choice is Adult and Continuing Education Leadership and a program for Higher Education Leadership, which prepares a student for leadership positions in post-secondary programs.

These positions include:

  • Vocational and technical education administrator
  • University extension courses and continuing professional education
  • Development of human resources manager
  • Adult basic education administrator

Another university offers a degree in a Doctorate Research Program where the faculty has won many honors in research excellence as stated in U.S. News. In addition, they have several other available doctoral programs.

A Doctorate in Education degree is specifically designed for advanced professional practice that is directed more toward the application and transmission of existing knowledge rather than new research. This degree is ideal for the student who is interested is leadership positions, such as administrators, policy, curriculum and learning resource specialists. The program is also offered via online courses.

The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership is designed to prepare the student through the study of theory, research and the practice in K–12 educational improvements. Graduates of this program are expected to demonstrate competency in areas that will contribute to school reform and to develop an ability to critique education structures, programs, policies and practices.

Career Outlook for Graduates in Wisconsin

The number of administrative positions for universities and colleges are greater in number than graduates to fill that type of position. There is a need for more graduates with an Educational Leadership degree. Administrative positions throughout the school system are also available in Wisconsin.

Some current areas of need that are typical of the public school positions are in the department of school improvement working as an educational consultant, and the salary range is between $56,753 and $80,006. There is also a position in the school financial services as a School Administration Consultant with the same pay range.

Wisconsin universities and colleges have several job openings for Ed.D. graduates in research and as faculty. Assistant professors are excellent jobs for new graduates, which gives them experience and a chance to move up to a full professor based on this experience.

A Professor’s salary depends on whether the position is at public facility with a mean salary of $120,955 or a private facility with a mean salary of $162,561. An assistant professor’s mean salary range is $71,460 to $89,307.

There are many jobs available in special education, ranging from K-12. The supervisor is responsible for all the staff, the training of volunteers and the education for the students. They must develop or revise policies and procedures, ensure safety for the children and maintain central compliance with state licensing.

Increase your chances of moving to the next level in education. Review our featured schools below and request information from the ones that interest you!

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