Home Degrees Doctorate Vermont

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Vermont

A doctorate in education (Ed.D) can prepare you for the complex roles that are expected of an educational scholar. With a degree that has been inspired by education leaders, policy makers and researchers, you may find extraordinary opportunities in the lucrative and rewarding field of a doctoral prepared education. Vermont holds their education scholars in high esteem and provides numerous opportunities for their respected community of educators.

Earning Your Ed.D in Vermont

Ed.D. programs feature specialized curriculum tailored to different disciplines of study. A few areas of study offered by Ed.D. programs available in Vermont include:

  • Policy and Educational Practice
  • Curriculum Design Specialist
  • Education Leadership in Higher Education
  • Learning Sciences and Technology Design

As a scholar and education leader, your course of study may reflect the aspects of the humanities, learning theories and the philosophies of education. A carefully planned curriculum may include courses such as:

  • Developmental Studies of the Elementary Learner
  • The Incorporation of Technology in Learning
  • Management of Complex Education Systems
  • Current Trends in Secondary Education

Outlook for Graduates in Vermont

Ed.D. graduates in the public or private school system may be prepared to lead faculty in solutions to the current trends and issues affecting teaching in the 21st century. In today’s schools, a principal requires knowledge of legislation, policy interpretation and fiscal structures to achieve success in their school’s classrooms.

If you seek a role as a professor in higher education, you may experience the benefits of autonomy. Professors develop teaching research, design curriculum and provide in-depth lessons that motivate and inspire their students.

The complexities of performing as a superintendent of schools is another ideal position for the Ed.D-prepared educator. An advanced educator in this role is expected to manage and organize intricate systems, analyze education-related legislation and advise the school board on fiscal and economic strategies. Positions with high responsibility generally compensate with competitive pay. According to Seven Day News, superintendents in Vermont make an average salary of $105,000 per year—higher than the annual mean wage of the typical postsecondary education administrator in Vermont, which was $70,030 in 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And good news for those looking for education administration jobs in Vermont—the state has one of the highest concentrations for this kind of job, according to the BLS.

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