Home Degrees Doctorate Utah

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Utah

Looking to advance your career in education? Earning a doctorate in education degree could be the next step! Earning your Ed.D. will equip you with the skills necessary to become an educational leader—as well as open many doors for your career.

Earning Your Ed.D. in Utah

Multiple Utah universities offer excellent doctoral programs within their respective departments of education. Most programs will offer different areas of specialization, such as:

  • Education, Culture and Society
  • Reading and Literacy
  • Learning Sciences/Learning and Cognition
  • School Psychology

In addition, many of the doctoral programs offered at Utah universities are non-thesis programs, meaning you will not be expected to write a doctoral dissertation during the course of your study. However, you may wish to choose a program that requires a doctoral dissertation, as the work you produce can form a large part of future professional publications. The choice is yours!

According to the Utah State Office of Education (USOE), teachers who take university courses in order to expand their knowledge can earn higher scores on their state licensing exams, meaning that an Ed.D. can be an invaluable career asset.

If you want to take the general knowledge you have acquired over the course of your teaching career and apply it to a specific subject, then earning an Ed.D. could be a very rewarding experience. Your original research would benefit students and fellow educators across the state and all over the country. While it is an intense commitment, an Ed.D. is a great way to hone your educational skills, and earning that doctorate degree in education can provide you with opportunities that were previously not open.

Career Opportunities for Graduates in Utah

Earning your Ed.D. in Utah will open up career opportunities across the state. You may choose to enter educational administration on the state level so that you can help shape and develop educational policy. The USOE offers multiple career vacancies at all levels, including positions in the state’s educational offices.

You could also remain directly involved at the school level by applying for positions in private and public schools. The USOE keeps a list of open teaching and administrative positions throughout Utah. An Ed.D. could make you an attractive candidate for positions such as a school principal, superintendent, or positions on school boards across the state

Discover the right doctorate in education program for you by contacting the featured national and Utah universities below. Whether you want campus-based or online learning, we can help you move in the right direction!

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