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Doctorate in Education Degrees in Texas

To reach the pinnacle of your career in education, consider earning your Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree. With your Ed.D., you can advance to the top roles in the field and have a significant impact on the way students learn and succeed.

EducationDegree.com specializes in helping students understand the opportunities and challenges both with undergraduate degrees and also what educators face as they pursue higher education. With our resources, you have the tools to make the right decision and choose the best program for your goals. We also make it simple to contact multiple schools to compare the benefits of several programs.

Doctorate of Education Universities in Texas

Texas has several excellent universities that offer various doctorate programs in education, and the cost of tuition is among the lowest in the nation for Texas residents. Obtaining an Ed.D. promotes intellectual growth through advanced study, which will prepare a graduate for a unique career. It also provides the graduate with a personal sense of accomplishment. The education standards for the doctoral program are accomplished through practice, policy and research, with emphasis on original research.
≈For instance, the University of Texas in Austin is one of the highest-ranking public national universities in Texas thanks to their prestigious graduate program (U.S. News, 2018). The San Antonio site provides advanced academic training in advanced leadership skills and administration, with research-based programs.

Available doctorate degrees in education include:

  • Educational Leadership
  • Educational Administration, at the Principal and Superintendent level
  • Adult, Professional and Community Education
  • School Improvement
  • Developmental Education

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board is in the process of creating a new doctoral program to meet the needs for remedial and developmental education. Over one-third of the students entering college require at least one remedial class before they can enroll in one of the academic disciplines.

Some Texas universities also offer a Doctor of Education or a Doctor of Philosophy degree in educational leadership, which allows the opportunity to combine a superintendent certificate with the doctorate in education. The emphasis throughout the program is placed on conceptual thinking and problem-based learning. This will help establish or even further a career in school administration.

Career Outlook for Graduates in Texas

In Texas, the pay grade for postsecondary teachers with a graduate degree varies depending on the type of institution you work at and the subject you choose to teach. Many salaries may be under the national average, but the state does expect to hire a considerable number of teachers in the coming years. Overall, the employment of postsecondary teachers is expected to grow 15 percent by 2026, which is much faster than average (BLS, 2018).

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that Texas postsecondary institutions expected to employ 1,314,400 people in 2016, with postsecondary teachers nationwide in 2017 making an average mean salary of $76,000. Of that, the highest 10 percent of teachers made over $170,160 whereas the bottom 10 percent only brought home around $39,040 (2018).

In the U.S., you can work at a college, university or professional school and make a mean wage of $79,340. In junior colleges, you may earn slightly less. In 2017, the mean wage for teachers at a local school was $56,030.

Salaries also vary by what you teach, so you’ll want to consider this when you choose the education graduate degree for you. A typical job for a candidate with a doctoral degree in education will often be found in research in an academic or clinical setting. Administrative positions are available, as the state is working hard to prepare students for college, particularly in areas where poverty is a problem. There are also available jobs in research at several universities.

Other popular jobs for postsecondary teachers, according to the BLS, include the following (in order from most desired to least):

  • Health specialties teachers
  • Nursing instructors
  • Business teachers
  • Engineering teachers
  • Biological science teachers
  • Psychology teachers

Health specialties teachers in Texas, for example, brought home one of the highest wages in the nation, with a mean annual wage of $138,220 (BLS, 2018).

Move ahead in the field of education with the right doctorate program. Use our featured school listings to find and compare doctorate in education (Ed.D.) programs that fit your goals!

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