Home Degrees Doctorate Pennsylvania

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has several outstanding universities that offer doctorate degrees in education (Ed.D or Ph.D) programs. Programs in education policy and in education leadership research are quite popular. EducationDegree.com wants to give you the tools and resources you need to find the Ed.D. program that fits your life and your goals. Use our listings below to find EdD programs in Pennsylvania that can help you move forward in your career.

PhD Programs in Pennsylvania

Many doctorate of education degrees in Pennsylvania offer programs in an executive format, so students can complete their degree in education without interrupting their careers. Several of the education programs focus on the core competencies of management and the applied research required for a doctorate in education.

Programs for educational research are available and include; educational leadership, educational policy and law, finance, ethics and evaluation.

Pennsylvania has the eighth highest ranked online graduate university program in education in the United States. One hundred percent of their students are employed while taking classes. There are several other excellent universities that offer online doctorates; the online courses are often in combination with a weekend class or a short residency, typically a week or two in the summer.

There are many choices for Ed.D. programs, including:

  • Curriculum and Supervision
  • Educational Administrative
  • Education Policy
  • Higher Education
  • Human Resource Development
  • Special Education Leadership
  • Educational Leadership
  • Pre-K-12 Administration
  • Mathematics Education
  • Science Education
  • Social Studies education

There is a shortage of university faculty in the areas of mathematics, science and social studies. A professor of one of these specialties teach school teachers, university and college faculty; plus, they develop the curriculum.

There are International Internship programs that have summer internships lasting between eight to 12 weeks. The locations are worldwide in developing countries.

Career Outlook for Graduates in Pennsylvania

There are numerous leadership and administrative positions available in Pennsylvania. Administrative or supervisory positions salaries range from $127,000 to $142,000. Available leadership jobs include; directors, chief operating officers, presidents, supervisors of instruction and language arts, senior consultant, academic services, assistant superintendent and admission principal.

There are also research positions at most universities, under the categories of Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Associate and Assistant Professor. Private corporations have research positions available as well. The salaries are similar to a professor.

Pennsylvania also has faculty positions open. A professor’s salary will depend on their experience; however, average faculty salaries for 2016-2017 ranged from 114,000 to 209,000. Associate professor salaries ranged from $83,000 to $135,000; while, assistant professor salaries ranged from $72,000 to $127,000.

Faculty positions at public and private universities and colleges are found in several areas of Pennsylvania, such as special education leadership, teaching leadership, mathematics, science, social studies professors and assistant professors. There are also universities with assistant/associate professor tenure track positions.

Pennsylvania is also working hard on their reading/writing/literacy program, which uses educational settings to prepare practitioners, researchers and policy makers to work in community-based literacy programs, as well as, government programs and educational publishing. Many jobs are available for this program that are committed to educational changes. The focus is on diversity in urban settings along with the contexts of different schools, families, communities and cultures to work for social justice, equity and transformation.

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