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Doctorate in Education Degrees in Oregon

EducationDegree.com can help you move closer to your goal of earning a doctorate in education (EdD) through an accredited university. We aim to offer the information and resources you need connect with schools to determine the best fit for your goals in the field. To get started, review our list of featured schools to the right that offer EdD programs to Oregon students. To make sure you choose the best fit, contact multiple colleges to compare the benefits of their programs.

If you are passionate about influencing the future of education, a Doctorate of Education or Ed.D can provide the knowledge and skills you need to solve the complex problems that currently are affecting education reform. As a scholarly leader, your ideas and expertise can be strengthened and enhanced to a level of sophistication that is necessary to make transformational change in education. As a graduate prepared with an Ed.D, you can experience the rewarding opportunities that are afforded scholarly practitioners in the education field.

Earning Your Ed.D in Oregon

The Ed.D program may consist of courses that focus on your area of expertise. Numerous specialties are available for certification or your area of instruction. Core courses that define your focus may be the following:

  • Distance Learning Education
  • English Second Language
  • Early Childhood Education
  • International Education

Your selection of classes should target your certification or area of interest. Your program of study may also require a dissertation or scholarly educational project. Your curriculum may include courses such as:

  • Advanced Educational Quantitative Research
  • Learning Theories as Applied to Elementary
  • Philosophy of Educating Adolescents
  • Integrating Technology Strategies in the Classroom

Outlook for Graduates in Oregon

Graduates in Oregon may wish to teach in the public school classroom or enter the realm of administration. Doctorate prepared teachers may take on principal roles, department directors or student academic advisement areas. Public and private areas of education are in need of educational leaders that can translate policy, construct complex organizations and motivate other educators for innovation and transformation.

Universities ales require professors, department directors and post-secondary teachers. Besides the classroom, Ed.D prepared teachers may work in admissions, counseling services and financial aid. Educators who are skilled in research and clinical studies may be published and pursue a career as a research scholar or practitioner.

As a scholarly practitioner, you may desire to aspire to the position of a school superintendent. Organizing multifaceted school systems and managing teachers is a complex and challenging position. The current district superintendent in Oregon stated in Oregon Live, that he has targeted the improvement of reading for elementary students as his professional goals.

In unconventional areas of employment, advanced educators may find interesting and lucrative opportunities in the corporate sector. Ed.D prepared educators who can write curriculum, organize multifaceted departments and prepare training programs for employees are highly valuable in many industrial and company areas. Corporations such as AT&T, the Oregon Nanoscience Institute and Fortune 500 companies require the innovations of articulate educators.

The Benefits of Achieving an Ed.D

An Ed.D is a highly esteemed accomplishment that may provide a limitless amount of opportunities in all areas of education. As an educational practitioner, you may experience the self-confidence and satisfaction of accomplishing an extraordinary achievement. Oregon needs educational leaders more than ever due to the changes imposed by education reform. An Ed.D will prepare you for the challenges and rewards of your dedication to teaching with a wider scope of practice and a greater range of opportunities.

If you are ready to take on new challenges in your career in education, contact our featured schools to request information about their doctorate in education programs!

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