Home Degrees Doctorate North Dakota

Doctorate in Education Degrees in North Dakota

For those who choose to enter into the world of education, a doctorate degree in education will provide you with the skills and knowledge necessary to hold the top jobs in the industry. If you are considering earning your doctorate in the state of North Dakota, check out the EdD programs from accredited universities below. We recommend contacting multiple universities to compare programs and help you make the most informed decision.

Earning Your Doctorate in Education in North Dakota

Several North Dakota universities offer doctorate in education programs in a variety of concentrations. Among the many choices are:

  • Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Institutional Analysis
  • Occupational and Adult Education
  • Educational Leadership
  • Teaching and Learning
  • And others

Curriculum in these Ed.D programs are designed to help education students develop, design and apply ideas for improving education practices and apply leadership, organization and change theories in the workplace, among other skills. The interdisciplinary nature within the doctorate program encourages a broadened and socially aware perspective across the program.

Upon completing classwork, you may be required to serve an internship. Some schools provide you with the opportunity to complete classes through either online or on-campus options.

Career Outlook for Graduates in North Dakota

According to Forbes, North Dakota is one of the best states for teachers. Postsecondary teachers in North Dakota made an average of $62,050 in 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, while postsecondary education administrators made $92,630 in 2012.

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