Home Degrees Doctorate New York

Doctorate in Education Degrees in New York

If you hope to someday qualify for the top positions in New York’s education industry, consider earning a doctoral degree. Two of the most advanced education degrees you can obtain include a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) and Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D.). With either, you could impact the education sector through leadership, research, curriculum design, and teaching.

Before applying to doctoral programs, it is essential to choose which type of degree is right for you. Where the Doctor of Education focuses on how to apply educational research to real-world practice, Ph.D. degrees are theory-based and expand the field’s knowledge. A person with an Ed.D. may hold leadership positions or work in policymaking, while Ph.D. holders often seek careers as professors or researchers.

In addition to determining which type of doctorate is right for you, it is worth noting that many institutions also allow you to choose between on-campus, hybrid, or online learning. The best program for you depends on your learning style and specific needs.

Education Doctoral Programs in New York—Campus-Based and Hybrid Programs

On-campus learning comes with benefits like face-to-face time with professors, in-class discussions, and easy access to libraries or research facilities. The research-intensive dissertation you must complete during your doctoral study may require field research, an on-campus mentor, or tools you can’t find online. You’ll also gain more scholarship and grant opportunities to cover tuition with traditional, in-person courses.

Hybrid courses provide a combination of on-campus structure, including mandated class times, and online courses that can be taken on your schedule. Often, hybrid programs’ on-campus classes take place during evenings or on weekends, allowing students to maintain full-time jobs, though this is not universally true. This type of learning may be right for you if you value both face time and flexibility.

Regardless of the format, the program you choose may need to be accredited. You can make sure your course of study is accredited through the U.S. Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs (DAPIP). Even if the job you hope to get doesn’t require completion of an accredited program, a degree from a non-accredited program may limit opportunities in other states or with other employers.

Education Doctoral Programs in New York—Online Programs

Online doctoral education programs in New York allow students to earn a teaching degree virtually. Most of the work is in an online format, which offers more flexibility for students who have full-time jobs or busy schedules.

There are other benefits to earning an online education doctorate too. Online students save money on daily commutes. You can generally enroll in online programs regardless of where the school is located; however, on-campus check-ins are often required even for online coursework.

Like traditional brick and mortar programs, be sure to find an accredited program if you want to earn an online education doctorate in New York.

Salary and Career Outlook for New York Educators with a Ph.D. or Ed.D.

While some programs offer doctorates for free in exchange for serving as a teaching assistant, this is not universally true. Before paying for an advanced degree, you may want to weigh the cost of tuition against your future salary opportunities. While pay increases are significant in some fields, they are less noticeable in other areas.

The charts below detail average salaries for several careers requiring an Ed.D. or Ph.D. These charts don’t include every possible career you could pursue with either degree, nor are the jobs listed in each table necessarily exclusive to that degree.

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Salary and Growth

CareerNY Mean SalaryNational Mean SalaryNY Job GrowthNational Average Growth
Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School$130,600$100,3406%4%
Adult Education Specialist (Teacher)$71,390$58,1101%-10%
Instructional Coordinator$74,930$69,18015%6%

Salary information from Bureau of Labor Statistics. Growth information from O*Net.

Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D.) Salary and Growth

CareerNY Mean SalaryNational Mean SalaryNY Job GrowthNational Average Growth
Education Teachers, Postsecondary$92,870$74,56018%8%
College/University President$334,233*$276,226*N/AN/A
Education Administrators, Postsecondary$140,870$112,40015%7%

Salary information from Bureau of Labor Statistics. Growth information from O*Net.
*College/university president median salary information from Salary.com

Employers of Education Doctorate Graduates: Sample Jobs in New York

Explore a sample of the jobs currently available in New York for a better idea of the positions you may find after graduation. The following New York-based employers have notable openings:

Resources for Ph.D. and Ed.D. Graduates in New York

Whether you plan to earn a Ph.D. or Ed.D. degree in New York, graduates can use online resources to find support including:

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