Home Degrees Doctorate New Mexico

Doctorate in Education Degrees in New Mexico

Several colleges and universities in New Mexico offer both campus-based and online Ed.D. programs. The Ed.D. is a terminal degree that prepares students to fill leadership positions in school districts, schools, colleges and government organizations. This degree program focuses on the relationships between practice and educational policy while examining how these factors shape all facets of education.

Earning Your Ed.D. in New Mexico

Several New Mexico universities offer programs through which you can earn your doctorate in education (Ed.D.) or a doctorate of philosophy in education (Ph.D.). New Mexico students seeking a doctorate in education have no shortage of programs to choose from, too. A few of the specializations include:

  • Educational Leadership
  • Counseling and Educational Psychology
  • Special Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science
  • Language, Literacy and Sociocultural Studies
  • And many more!

Basic admittance requirements to these programs include a master’s degree, prior experience as an educational leader, and letters of recommendation. Completion requirements vary from program to program, with some Ed.D. programs requiring just 63 credit hours, and others requiring 90 credit hours. Some doctorate in education programs in New Mexico may also require you to complete and defend a dissertation or attend national research conferences. Several of the New Mexico universities also offer online doctorate in education programs.

Career, Salary and Job Outlook in New Mexico

Earning a doctorate in education in New Mexico will prepare you to fill positions in public, private and government institutions. Many educators with their Ed.D. seek out positions as superintendents, directors of student services and professors at local universities in New Mexico. Although competitive, the need for advanced educators with an Ed. D is strong in New Mexico.

According to the New Mexico 2013 State of the Workforce Report, occupations in education are a bright spot for employment. Along with the health care industry, the education services industry is projected to see the largest employment growth in coming years, growing 25.8 percent by 2020, with occupations in education paying a higher than average wage in the state. The same report also states that some of the best occupational opportunities within education will be as clinical, counseling and school psychologists; secondary school teachers; and primary, secondary and adult teachers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the annual mean wage of postsecondary teachers in New Mexico in 2012 as $71,260.

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