Home Degrees Doctorate New Jersey

Doctorate in Education Degrees in New Jersey

Advance your career in New Jersey by obtaining your doctorate in education (Ed.D or Ph.D). Becoming an educational technology leader means learning new techniques in project planning with new theories and applications. There are many ways to obtain this degree, as several universities offer online classes with a week in summer spent on campus.

With EducationDegree.com you can find schools that offer EdD programs for New Jersey students. Review our featured listings to start weighing your options and comparing curriculum. We make it easy for you to reach out and connect with multiple schools so you can be sure you choose the right program.

PhD Programs in NJ

Each NJ university has a unique program to obtain an Ed.D., and it is wise to compare multiple universities to get an overview of the programs that are offered.

Some of the Ed.D. degrees include:

  • Educational Leadership
  • Research
  • Teacher Education and Teacher Development
  • Health Care
  • Higher Education
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Organization Leadership
  • Special Education
  • Speech Language Pathology

There is a shortage of graduates with a doctorate in mathematics throughout the United States. There is an excellent New Jersey program designed for graduates to be competent in the content of mathematics and understand the psychology of learning, in addition to learning about student diversity and social culture.

Another unique program is a Higher Education degree, which offers a minor in community college administration. The community colleges work in conjunction with a major university to provide one of the most innovative college leadership doctoral programs. The courses for this program are taught in a hybrid format, online and on Saturdays classes are taught by various New Jersey community college presidents.

Career Outlook for Graduates in New Jersey

Administrative positions are available in New Jersey. The New Jersey Fact Sheet reports the mean salary for District Supervisors is $168,000, Principals mean salaries are $118,500 and Administrators and Supervisors have a mean salary average of $118,431.

The graduates of the Higher Degree program with a minor in community college administration have typically advanced into many different leadership roles. They include; Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President of Administrative Services, Vice President of Student Services and Vice President for Institutional Research and Planning. These are just a few typical roles for these graduates.

Graduates with leadership and research doctorates may find employment in communities worldwide. These jobs may be involved in health care, business, mental health, the environment and social justice are all areas that are available for graduates.

Research doctorate graduates have multiple job opportunities, but the bulk of available positions are found at universities. Research scientists are often needed at the English Language Learning and Assessment (ELLA) Center, which teaches the English language for people from around the world.

The Education Testing Center is another facility that employs research scientists with a doctorate degree in education in the Understand Teaching Quality Center. The center performs examination studies that measure a teacher’s effectiveness and their teaching quality potential.

New Jersey has multiple jobs for leadership, administration and research graduates. It is worthwhile to get an Ed.D. in order to have new opportunities to expand your career into exciting new areas that are challenging and also pays better. If you are ready to increase your upward mobility in the field of education, use our directory to find the degree program that can help you move ahead.

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