Home Degrees Doctorate New Hampshire

Doctorate in Education Degrees in New Hampshire

Earning a doctoral degree in education, or an Ed.D, can provide you with the tools and skills you need to impact in New Hampshire’s education system. Whether in a college classroom or in an administrative position, an Ed.D is a terrific way to prepare for a fulfilling and successful career. With EducationDegree.com you can pursue your doctorate in education by comparing accredited programs in your area. Whether you want online or traditional campus learning, we can help you connect with schools.

Earning Your Doctorate of Education in New Hampshire

During the course of earning an Ed.D in New Hampshire, you will have the opportunity to refine your specialty and focus in one field that interests you most. While there are a variety of concentrations that doctoral candidates can select from New Hampshire universities, some of the most common include:

  • Educational Policy and Leadership
  • Cultural Sensitivity in Education
  • Human Development
  • Superintendent Training
  • Higher Education

Each of these specialties allow students to find a niche area in the world of education, which will help prepare them for careers in New Hampshire or anywhere around the world. The objective of the Ed.D program is to prepare students for the top supervisory, research-based and administrative careers in education.

Career Outlook for Graduates in New Hampshire

With a doctorate in education, many career paths will be open to you. Many graduates decide that they can do the most good from the classroom and may work as professors at colleges and universities across the state.

It is worth noting that not all graduates will work in a traditional classroom setting. Depending on your specialty, dozens of options may be available. Graduates may find themselves in leadership positions within a school district or an entire university, and many Ed.D holders decide to become education superintendents. For those who enjoy the focus on research, there is a great need for innovative and dedicated individuals who are capable of implementing new educational policies on a school-wide and even nation-wide level.

For those traveling the administration route, pay can be competitive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual mean wage for postsecondary administrators in New Hampshire in 2012 was $92,630, higher than many of the surrounding states.

Earning your doctor of education in New Hampshire gives you an expert status in the field. Whether in the classroom, training adults for workplace reentry or helping to develop curriculum for the next decade of public school students, the work can be equally rewarding and fascinating.

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