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Doctorate in Education Degrees in Montana

If you’re ready to make a greater impact in the field of education, a doctorate in education could be the next step for you. Earning a doctorate degree in education could lead you to exceptional areas of legislation, policy preparation and clinical research in the education realm. An Ed.D will prepare you to be a visionary that impacts a generation of learners on a broad scale. At EducationDegree.com, we make it simple for you to find and contact multiple schools to help you make an informed decision about your future. Explore the featured schools on this page to learn more and take the next step in your career!

Earning Your Ed.D in Montana

An education scholar in Montana is expected to be accomplished in highly complex roles and possess extraordinary knowledge in their area of subject mastery. Numerous specialty degrees are available from the Montana universities offering doctorate in education programs, and may include the following areas of study:

  • Educational Leadership
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Counselor Education
  • Higher Education Academics

With a well-designed program of study, you can build on your existing expertise with a concentration in your defined specialty. In addition to courses in the humanities, philosophies and cultural aspects of learning, your core curriculum may include classes such as:

  • Organization and Administration of Higher Education
  • General School Curriculum
  • Educational Leadership in Curriculum Design
  • Educational Policy in Public School Systems
  • Philosophical Issues in Education

Most doctorate in education programs in Montana require 90 credit hours, which include credit hours earned in a master’s program, as well as those dedicated to preparing a dissertation.

Outlook for Graduates in Montana

According to the Montana Employment Projections report from the Montana Department of Labor and Industry, teaching positions are among the top 20 postsecondary occupations in Montana expected to have the highest projected growth over the next 10 years. If you seek to improve public or private education, a generation of students in Montana can benefit from your advanced techniques and knowledge in education. Public school systems are experiencing challenges that can be addressed in the process of change by a leader trained to provide expertise, insight and vision. As an administrator, academic advisor or classroom teacher, faculty and students may look to you as a valued mentor.

If you seek a role as a professor at a university, you could find a fulfilling job preparing educational research studies, providing lessons in learning, and challenging the current standards of teaching. As a professor, you could experience an extraordinary independence in your classroom that provides the ability to practice your knowledge and skills.

If you’re looking for a position that will use different skills and knowledge acquired though an Ed.D program, a school superintendent could be the right job for you. A school superintendent is a challenging position that requires the critical thinking and problem solving skills of a visionary. This position requires advanced knowledge of educational legislation, the analysis of policy and organizational skills to manage department entities on a broad scale.

Nontraditional areas of teaching for the advanced educator may be discovered in private institutes of learning, businesses and virtual classrooms. Businesses need the expertise of Ed.D graduates for policy construction, management of intricate systems and the design of curriculum and learning materials.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual mean wage of postsecondary education administrators in Montana in 2012 was $72,540. Although this may not be as high as other states in the nation, Montana has a low cost of living that will help keep the Ed.D graduate comfortable.

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