Home Degrees Doctorate Missouri

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Missouri

Earning a doctorate in education (Ed.D.) can be a great way to take your career in the education industry to its highest level. This doctorate degree has a professional and research focus that will help prepare you for administrative, clinical, academic and research positions in private, civil and educational organizations. If you’re an aspiring educational leader, an Ed.D. can help equip you with the intellectual tools and resources to develop educational policy and organize complex school systems.

Earning Your Ed.D. in Missouri

Several Missouri universities offer Ed.D. programs that provide students with an in-depth understanding of curriculum development, educational leadership and Missouri school system policies. Social issues in education are covered, as well as the effects of economics and culture on school populations. Students gain expertise in qualitative and quantitative methods of research to better evaluate standardized test results, curriculum outcomes and student achievement rates.

These Ed.D. programs often offer practicum opportunities and administrative internships as part of the coursework, allowing students to gain hands-on experience. Typically, students are required to prepare a dissertation prior to graduation. Students can also choose a field of specialization, such as curriculum development, educational policy, teacher education or educational psychology.

Common courses may include:

  • Curriculum theory
  • Educational assessment
  • Organizational leadership
  • Research and analysis
  • Qualitative methods

Career Outlook for Graduates in Missouri

An Ed.D. prepares educators with practical expertise and advanced leadership skills to qualify for administrative careers within district offices and schools. In addition, students may qualify for teaching positions within postsecondary institutions. Common job titles include director of programs, principal, superintendent and professor of education.

Missouri continues to have a strong demand for educators with an Ed.D. Educators with an Ed. D. are compensated well. Principals with an Ed.D. average $85,000 in salary, while superintendents average more than $100,000. At the postsecondary level, professors with an Ed.D. often design teaching programs for their institution, deliver lectures, research and publish their own articles. According to Forbes, some postsecondary teachers with an Ed.D. can earn a stellar $109,000.

If you choose to go the nontraditional route with your Ed.D., you’ll find there are plenty of Fortune 500 companies in need of advanced educators for the design and implementation of their own teaching programs, and policy creation for state compliance. With an Ed. D., the career options are endless.

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