Home Degrees Doctorate Minnesota

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Minnesota

Minnesota universities and colleges focus on developing the students’ teaching, research and leadership abilities. There is an excellent selection of good universities with hours that are convenient for the working professional to continue their education. At Educationdegree.com we want to help you choose the EdD that fits your life and will help you reach your goals in the field of education. It’s widely known that earning your Doctorate in Education can increase improve your chances of reaching the top levels of success. Continue reading to learn more about earning your EdD in Minnesota, and use our featured school listings to request information about the programs that interest you!

The University of Minnesota has a unique doctor of education leadership program for students with online courses in the fall and spring semesters; then, they attend three weeks on the University of Minnesota-Twin cities campus for three consecutive summers. This program is specifically designed for the working professional that plans to work in a leadership role in international education.

According to U.S. News, Hamline University located in Saint Paul, Minnesota offers a doctorate in education (Ed.D.) degree and is ranked as one of the region’s Best Colleges. The courses are designed for the working professional. Each course has four Friday night classes from 5 p.m to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The program is an independent study program that allows a student to work freely under the direction of a faculty member.

An Ed.D. nursing leadership program is offered at Saint Mary’s University. The leadership program is suited for a variety of leadership roles; deans, presidents of colleges, faculty professors and leaders in health care institutions.

The University of Minnesota Duluth and Walden University each offer an excellent array of Ed.D. programs. These programs include:

  • Administration Leadership
  • Adult Education Teaching
  • Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development
  • Early Childhood
  • Research
  • Special Education
  • Reading and Literacy Leadership

Career Outlook for Graduates in Minnesota

There are many jobs available for graduates that want to be a principal or other type of administrator, which includes a variety of tasks involving faculty and students, financial records, fundraising, designing new courses or holding staff workshops. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the mean salary for a principal at $97,486 and a dean of students at $88,280.

Minnesota employees with an Ed.D. that are professors, associate professors and work in post secondary/higher education positions have salaries that range from $79,439 to $95,000.

Several universities hire graduates for research and as professors. For instance, Walden University frequently has faculty positions available in administration and other leadership positions.

Faculty positions at universities and colleges are typically found in the following areas:

  • Teaching leadership
  • Administrative leadership
  • Curriculum and instruction
  • Adult learning and higher education
  • Assistant professors
  • Tenure track assistant professors

Educational research positions are available at most universities, and they are often a faculty mentor type of position. These faculty positions primarily educate students by using online technology and resources for particular research projects.

Many universities have available part-time positions for students enrolled in the Ed.D. Program which involves supporting the department faculty by completing literature reviews, academic writing, collection of data, data analysis and completing general department projects. There are also part-time methodologist positions available, which are faculty positions. This position requires education for students by giving feedback and critiquing the student’s work.

Use our simple process for requesting information to contact the schools that interest you. As a general rule, it’s best to contact multiple schools to make sure you choose the right program. Good luck on your path to higher levels in the field of education. We hope you continue to use EducationDegree.com to find the right way forward in your career!

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