Home Degrees Doctorate Georgia

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Georgia

Earning a doctorate degree in education can help you attain some of the highest positions in the field of education. If you are interested in pursuing a doctorate degree in education in Georgia, you’ve come to the right place. At EducationDegree.com, we make it simple for Georgia educators to find, contact and compare multiple schools offering Ed.D. programs without having to visit multiple sites or jump through lots of hoops. To learn more about earning your Ed.D. in Georgia, read on. Or get a head-start by exploring the programs on this page and reaching out to several for more information.

Earning Your Ed.D. in Georgia

When making the decision on whether to work toward a doctorate degree in education, consider several things. K-12 classroom teachers do not need a doctorate; earning a doctorate degree in education is a good step, however, if you are interested in working as a professor or superintendent of schools, or if you want to become an educational researcher. Many Georgia universities offer Ph.D. and Ed.D. programs that can put you on the right path to a higher career in education. Common program specialties include:

  • Educational Leadership
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education

A typical doctorate in education takes three years to complete. The first year is generally course work, the second year is research and the last year is to develop the dissertation proposal. Many students complete their studies part-time or online while working.

Career Outlook and Salary for Graduates in Georgia

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that in 2012, the annual mean wage of a postsecondary education administration in Georgia was $96,760—a salary competitive with surrounding states. As compared with other states, Georgia also has a high number of positions in this area of education, employing more than 3,000 administrators.

To locate Ed.D. programs in Georgia, review our featured programs and reach out to several schools for more information. As a general rule, we recommend contacting multiple schools to gather more information, ensuring you find the best fit for your education and career goals.

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