Home Degrees Doctorate Florida

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Florida

EducationDegree.com is one of the web’s most comprehensive resources for individuals who want to succeed in the field of education. If you want to qualify for the top positions, consider earning your Doctorate in Education (EdD) from an accredited university. We have resources and school listings for Florida students who want to go further in their careers. Continue reading to learn more about earning your EdD in Florida, and request information from our featured schools to compare programs that interest you. Contact multiple schools to make sure you choose the right fit for your career goals.

Doctoral Programs in Florida

Florida has several new doctorate programs in education that can be found on campuses and online. The University of Florida has begun a new Ed.D. online program with the emphasis on Educational Technology. This program is specifically designed for individuals working in professional practice. There is also a Ph.D. offered in Curriculum and Instruction, which emphasizes Educational Technology. These students will be specifically prepared for working as researchers and as university faculty.

In South Florida, Nova Southeastern University Fischler School of Education offers a Doctorate of Education with a minor in Early Childhood. In addition, this university offers an Ed.D. program with a minor in applied behavior analysis. Students may attend the main campus or take courses online. The Florida Board of Governors has also approved a new education doctoral program at Florida Gulf Coast University.

Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL and University of Central Florida in Orlando each offers a three year program for a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Education Leadership.

The University of West Florida offers an administrative degree preparing the student for a school district administrator position or as an administrator for training programs for large corporations or the military. This unique program offers several individualized courses to meet your personal goals.

These individual programs include:

  • Administrative and social politics
  • Personnel and organizational theory
  • Financial management
  • Diversity and leadership skills
  • Changes in the policies and laws that govern educational settings
  • Strategic planning

Florida has numerous colleges offering the educational leadership doctorate, and there are many other specialty programs offered at public and private universities.

Career Outlook for Graduates in Florida

Florida has some professor and associate professor positions open quite often at one of their many universities, particularly in math and science. Various research departments at universities or at companies also have positions available for Ed.D. candidates, which frequently involve preparing fellows for careers in research via interdisciplinary training programs.

Florida has the fourth largest public school system in the nation, which means teachers are needed in numerous categories. Their average teacher salary is $45,723 for the 2010-2011 school year, which has actually decreased from the prior school year. These are not teachers with doctorate degrees. There are 183,925 teachers in FL, and just 2,450 (1.32%) have their doctorate degree.

The salaries listed in Florida for teachers in public schools who have their doctorate range from approximately $38,000 to $65,000, depending on the location, their experience and the job titles. Salaries for Superintendents average $139,000, principals of high schools average $93,300 and research and evaluation average $84,000.

The Florida counties with the highest number of employed individuals with their doctorate degree are Bradford, Dade and Hillsborough. This is not surprising as these three counties are heavily populated and have large universities. The employed educators with doctorate degrees tended to have an average of 12 to 20 years of working experience.

It appears that the universities typically have research and professor openings. There seems to be a many administrative positions in Florida as well for those educators with a doctorate. If you want to prepare for new roles in the field of education, review our list of featured schools and request information about the programs that interest you.

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