Home Degrees Doctorate Washington D.C.

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Washington D.C.

When it comes to improving the future of education, there’s no better place to start than our nation’s capital—and no better way than earning your doctorate in education. At EducationDegree.com, we make it simple to find and compare doctorate in education programs in the D.C. area to help you advance your career and make a difference in the field of education. Explore the featured programs on this page to help find the right match for your education needs and lifestyle. We recommend contacting multiple schools to make the most informed decision possible.

Earning Your Doctorate in Education in D.C.

Your options for Ed.D programs in the D.C. area are numerous. Several D.C. universities offer Ed.D programs in a variety of areas of mastery, including:

  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Education Policy
  • Educational Psychology
  • Higher Education Leadership
  • Special Education
  • Critical Studies in the Education of Deaf Learners

Core courses in an Ed.D program will help prepare you to provide intellectual leadership in areas of theory and practice. Classes in advanced learning theories and rigorous research training may assist you in developing the tools necessary to improve the practice of education. Humanities courses may be applied to provide the foundation for gaining advanced insight into the fundamentals of the human experience as it relates to learning, motivation and inspiration.

Outlook for Graduates in D.C.

With a doctorate degree in education, you may qualify for top positions that can help shape and better the future of education on a broad scale. Whether you seek a position in the classroom, in education administration, or as a professor at an institution of higher learning, the skills you develop in an Ed.D program will help you contribute positive change to the field of education.

The outlook for those with an Ed.D in the D.C. area looks positive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the D.C. metro area, which includes Washington D.C., Arlington and Alexandria, had one of the highest employment levels for postsecondary education administrators in 2012—and with a competitive annual mean wage of $101,520.

Earning a doctorate degree in education doesn’t limit your career choices to just the field of education, however. An expertise in education may translate well in any area of knowledge and learning. Corporations and businesses conduct forms of education as part of training employees, clients and management. Corporations in the District of Columbia that require advanced educators may include Fortune 500 Companies, AT&T and Freddie Mac.

Take the next step in your education! Explore the featured schools on this page to find the right program for you.

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