Home Degrees Doctorate Delaware

Doctorate in Education Degrees in Delaware

A Doctorate in Education (Ed.D) is the crowning achievement of your dedication to an education career. A rigorous program in research training prepares you to become accomplished in the multifaceted area of education leadership. As a scholar in Delaware, you may be presented with extraordinary opportunities that are both rewarding and challenging. An Ed.D in Delaware is designed to inspire future leaders in education to manage complex programs, provide mentorship to teachers and improve education on a broad scale.

Earning your Doctorate in Education

The curriculum components are designed to provide a strong core in your area of expertise. Through a meticulously crafted course schedule, you can refine and build on the existing knowledge of your area of instruction. Advanced knowledge is obtained through research, learning theories and proven conceptual frameworks of reference. Your curriculum may include the following courses:

  • Psychology of the Adolescent in Learning
  • The Integration of Research-Based Learning Technologies
  • The Application of Educational Legislation and Policy
  • Transformational Aspects of Education Reform
  • The Philosophy of Pedagogy
  • Quantitative Research Studies in Education

Outlook for Graduates in Delaware

If you are determined to improve education in the classrooms, the Delaware community is highly focused on education and can welcome you as an education leader. Public and private schools desire teachers of excellence and reward them with lucrative and respected positions as educators of their future generation. According to Delaware Today, highly effective principals can expect a salary of about $125,499.

As a professor in Delaware, you may enjoy the interaction of highly motivated students that require the rigors of job preparation in a new economy. Your dedication to research studies, the development of learning frameworks and improvement of learning in higher education can provide you with a lucrative position in colleges and universities across Delaware.

If you have aimed high for a position that provides the challenges of legislation, policy making and the organization of complex programs, you may find that the duties of a superintendent of public education may meet those goals. As a superintendent, you can employ all aspects of your Ed.D to manage educational programs on a broad scale. According to News Works, Delaware has highly effective superintendents as a finalist is recognized nationally for Superintendent of the Year.

Educational expertise translates into many areas of teaching, and graduates may wish to assume roles in the private or industrial sector of education. Fortune 500 Companies, pharmaceutical corporations and virtual online classrooms can require the advanced guidance and strategies of educators to train employees, clients or teach the educators. In addition, education on the corporate level can provide highly lucrative and exciting opportunities for advanced educators.

Benefits of Earning an Ed.D

Delaware maintains high standards for education and values doctoral prepared educators in the community. With a dedication to the highest achievement in academia, you may find lucrative and extraordinary opportunities in the realm of public, business or the private education.

Move ahead in the field of education with the right doctorate program. Use our school listings below to find and compare PhD Degrees in Education that fit your goals and lifestyle!

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