Home Degrees Doctorate California

Doctorate in Education Degrees in California

California has a large number of universities and colleges that offer a doctoral degree in education (Ed.D.). There are beautiful campuses spread around state, and many offer Ed.D. programs that allow an employed person with their master’s degree to continue to work. In addition, there are universities that combine an Ed.D. with a doctorate in business or in law.

EducationDegree.com helps students in California find and compare campus based and online EdD programs. With our comprehensive directory of school listings you can easily request information to compare the learning outcomes and career benefits of the programs that interest you.

Most universities offer a major in Leadership Education. Many of the universities offer evening and weekend classes, as these degree is offered for the working professional.

Some other Ed.D. concentrations include:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Higher Education Administration
  • K-12 Leadership in Urban School Settings
  • Teacher Education in Multicultural Societies
  • Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
  • Public Policy Administration
  • Administrative leadership
  • Adult Education
  • Curriculum & Teaching Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment
  • Global Training and Development

PhD Programs in California

Two universities have combined their programs to offer a joint doctorate in Educational Leadership and Special Education. Their goals are to stimulate and prepare research workers of high competence in special education fields and to improve preparation of personnel for research and policy formation.

Another interesting program is a Doctorate in Education Leadership for Social Justice. Their goal is to develop a new type of administrative leadership for PreK-12 schools.

The number of online programs for a Phd in Education include some very unique degrees. A few specialties in addition to those above include Pastoral Counseling, Organization Leadership, Reading and Literacy, Behavior Health and English Second Language. The opportunities to earn a doctorate in Education in California are almost endless.

Career Outlook for Graduates in California

The California School System has Educational Administrator jobs available. Some of the responsibilities for administrative positions include providing leadership, supervision of professional educators, managerial direction, analytical, technical and support staff. They have a great deal of responsibility.

You can also find numerous job openings at colleges and universities around the state. Administrative positions include; Superintendent or President, executive Vice President and Chief Academic and Student Affairs Officer. The Chief Academic Officer is responsible for educational policy, support systems, budget development and academic programs.

Universities usually have positions available for research managers and research assistants. Private industry also employees research managers, such as McGraw Hill Education. Research manager positions require an Ed.D. degree and also at least three or four years of experience; so, a research assistant is an ideal entry-level position for a new graduate.

The number of people in California pursuing their education doctorates does not measure up to some of the other large states nor does it meet their needs. California needs more administrators, superintendents, central office administrators and principals for high school and elementary schools. The average mean income for faculty ranges from $74,000 to $125,820 and associate professors range from $55,944 to $120,060. Presidents of universities mean salary is $270,000. Compared to the national average:

Review our list of schools that offer EdD programs for California students. Be sure to request information from multiple schools to make sure you choose the one that’s best for you!

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