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Doctorate in Education Degrees in Alaska

Alaska Doctorate in Education Programs

To become the most effective leader in the field of education, you have to reach the highest level of your own education. That means considering doctorate in education programs that are available to professionals in your state. Fortunately, there are many online and campus based programs that help students in Alaska aim for the top careers in the state for educators.

When you earn your EdD in Alaska, you will likely take courses in leadership, administrative topics, curriculum assessment and design, psychology, technology, and other specialized topics that are relevant to today’s learners.

With schools constantly trying to adapt to changing standards and classroom management and teaching skills, you can help a variety of education environments in several respects. Plus, it’s no secret that the field of education typically rewards those with the highest level of education.

Here at EducationDegree.com, we have relationships with colleges and universities that help Alaska educators earn their doctorate degree.

If you’re ready to move forward, contact the schools in our directory to get started. 

Earning your EdD in Alaska

How long it takes to earn doctoral degrees in Alaska depends on the type of program you choose. Some online programs are designed to be completed in a flexible timeline, which could be anywhere from 3-5 years, depending on the program.

Many schools prefer that students graduate on a 3-year track. And, most programs are designed to let educators continue working while earning their degree. After all, your experience that you gain while continuing to teach in the classroom or work in your administrative role will be your most valuable asset as you continue learning.

Fortunately, there are many types of doctorate in education programs for EdD students. Whether you want to focus on being a professor of a particular subject matter, learn how to design curriculum for middle school kids, or help government agencies design education policy, you have multiple options for programs in the state of Alaska. Plus, many of these programs include residency experience directly related to your learning.

 In education doctoral programs online formats, you may be required to perform certain assignments or segments of the materials on a campus or in a classroom of some kind. 

Career Outlook for Graduates in Alaska

Of course, the big question is what kinds of career opportunities are available for Alaska graduates with their EdD. For those who want to work in administrative roles, the outlook seems good, as far as we can tell from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). They report that job growth for postsecondary education administrators is expected to increase 9% between 2014-24, which is faster than the national average.

As far as pay is concerned, education administrators can expect to earn a median wage of $98,560 per year, according to 2015 data. 

There are many other types of occupations in the field of education that you can pursue with an EdD. Here are several of them, along with projected salary from the BLS:

  • Postsecondary teachers – $72,470
  • School and Career Counselors – $53,660
  • Training and Development Managers – $102,640 

Here are some more positions. We couldn’t find salary potential in the BLS for these, but you can ask your local schools what to expect when you request more information:

  • College professor
  • Corporate trainer
  • Curriculum Specialist
  • Education consultant
  • Chief academic officer
  • Director of human resources 

There are many other positions that can be a good fit for people who earn education doctoral degrees. 

Benefits of earning an EdD

If you want to reach the highest levels in the field of education, you should strongly consider earning your doctorate in education. It’s simply the best way to ensure you make the biggest impact in your role, and stand out when competing for positions. Plus, if you choose an online program, you can continue your current role, while taking advantage of interactive discussions, online lectures, and other experience that make earning a doctoral degree in Alaska more convenient for learners.

Don’t wait to complete your education with an EdD designed for Alaska professionals.

Use our directory of colleges and universities to compare doctoral degrees in education today!



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