Home Degrees Doctorate Doctorate Degree in Adult Education

Doctorate Degree in Adult Education

The field of education is always changing, and much of the progress is due to the research and experience of those working in the field. Whether you want to start researching the field of adult education or take your teaching career to the next level, a doctoral degree in adult education may be the next step in your career. Learn more about this degree option to find out if it’s right for you and reach out to the schools offering doctoral programs in adult education that are listed on our site.

Doctoral programs tend to be fairly rigorous, so you may want to prepare for this educational experience ahead of time. Earning a doctoral degree generally takes no fewer than five years, although some students require up to seven years of full-time study. This is due to the fact that you must generally conduct your own research and defend a thesis to get a doctoral title.

Course Requirements for Doctorate Degrees in Adult Education

The courses included in your curriculum may explore many aspects of adult education. If your prior education is not in this field, you may have to take undergraduate-level courses before you begin more advanced classes. Courses that may be part of your doctoral curriculum include Research Design & Analysis, Advanced Human Learning & Motivational Development, Educational Statistics, and Advanced Theory & Practice of Leadership. Other courses that may be required include Program Planning for Adult Learners, Theory & Research in Adult Development, and Global Issues in Adult Education.

Depending on the program you attend, classroom experience may be required. A lot depends on whether you take a research-based program or a classroom-based program. Decide what your career goals are for your degree and choose a school accordingly.

There may be several types of financial aid for you to consider as you undertake a doctoral degree in this field. Like other doctoral programs, programs in this field may give you the chance to work as a research assistant, graduate assistant, or teaching assistant. This allows you to earn money for school while gaining relevant experience. Imagine America is a nationwide organization that supports aspiring teachers through grants and scholarships. Public Service Loan Forgiveness, which is offered by the U.S. Department of Education, may be an option for you if you take out student loans and work in the public service sector after graduation.

Career and Salary Outlook

With a doctoral degree in adult teaching, you may be able to go into basic adult education or postsecondary education. Per O*Net, job openings in this field may increase by 9% through 2022. Their estimates indicate an average salary of $51,110 per year (O*Net, 2012).

Adult education is a growing field that may give you the opportunity to help others get their second chance at education. To learn more about this option, contact doctoral programs in adult education today.

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