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Wyoming Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Despite being the least densely populated state in the United States, Wyoming’s large physical size means a large number of schools that require licensed teachers. If you’re interested in teaching in Wyoming, you’re in the right place. At EducationDegree.com, we maintain a directory of schools offering Bachelor’s in education programs all across the nation, including Wyoming. Read on to learn more about the typical Bachelor’s program, or start exploring the featured schools on this page.

Earning Your Bachelor in Education in Wyoming

Before you begin looking closely at the Bachelor’s in education programs offered in Wyoming, first decide what area of education would like to teach. A typical Bachelor’s in education program, sometimes referred to as a teacher preparation program, will guide you through to teacher certification by the state, so it’s important to know ahead of time what area of education interests you. Common programs offered in Wyoming include:

    • Early Childhood Education
    • Elementary Education
    • Secondary Education

To earn your Bachelor’s degree in education, you will need to complete 120 credit hours, starting with general studies in content courses such as math, natural science, literature, diversity and communication. You will also take professional education courses covering topics such as development and learning, teaching with technology, and educational assessment. Finally, you will take core classes in your chosen content area. If you chose to study secondary education, you will graduate with a concurrent major in your chosen content area from the College of Liberal Arts and sciences in addition to your secondary education degree.

As part of your teacher preparation program, you will also spend time in an actual classroom under the mentorship of a master teacher. To qualify for initial teacher licensure in Wyoming, you will need to complete a state-approved educator preparation program from an accredited college, complete a student teaching component, and pass the required Praxis tests.

Career Outlook for Teachers in Wyoming

Choosing to study an area of education that is currently in short supply of teachers can improve your job outlook post-graduation and even help qualify you for financial aid through the Wyoming Teacher Shortage Loan Repayment Program. Current teacher shortage areas in Wyoming include:

      • Physics
      • Biology
      • Chemistry
      • Earth/Physical Science
      • Mathematics
      • Spanish


Areas that are “balanced” or have a surplus of teachers include English/Language Arts, Social Studies, French, German, Reading, Art/Visual, Agriculture, and Technical Education.

Average Teacher Salary in Wyoming

In terms of salary, Wyoming tends to offer teacher salaries higher than surrounding states. Coupled with the low cost of living, this could mean a comfortable lifestyle if you go the teacher route. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2012, the annual mean wage of several popular teaching positions in Wyoming was:

      • $58,680 for elementary school teachers
      • $60,100 for secondary school teachers
      • $62,690 for special education teachers

Teaching in Wyoming offers other benefits, such as health care, retirement benefits, summers off, and a low student-to-teacher ratio: 11.4 to 1, one of the lowest in the nation.

Take the first step to becoming a teacher in Wyoming! Reach out to several of the featured schools on this page for more information on the benefits of their programs. As a general rule, we recommend contacting several schools to help you make a more-informed decision.

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