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Utah Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Earning a Bachelor’s degree in education can do more than just prepare you for the classroom. It can round out your education, allow you to make a difference in the lives of others, and expose you to a range of career possibilities including administration, curriculum development and corporate training. Teaching in Utah can be a fulfilling and rewarding career as well as an opportunity to help others achieve their own education goals and dreams. If you are ready to pursue a career in education, consider enrolling in an accredited Bachelor’s in education program.

At EducationDegree.com, we offer school listings and resources to help you find the right Bachelor’s in education program from the many Utah universities offering them. Start by exploring the featured schools on this page and reaching out to several for more information. Or keep reading to learn more about becoming a teacher in Utah. Your future career in education awaits!

Earning Your Bachelor’s in Education in Utah

Your first step to becoming a teacher in Utah is finding an accredited Bachelor’s in education programs for your needs. Once you’ve found the right program, you will need to select an area of concentration or degree specialty that you wish to teach and become certified in. The Utah State Office of Education lists a number of license areas of concentration for educators, including:

  • Communication Disorders (Audiology)
  • Early Childhood
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Special Education
  • Administrative/Supervisor

To qualify for an initial teacher license in Utah, you will need to do three things: complete a Bachelor’s in education program, complete a teacher preparation program, and pass The Praxis Series tests for your area of certification. Utah offers three levels of teacher licensure. A level 1 license is for beginning teachers and is valid for three years.

Career Outlook for Teachers in Utah

Choosing to study a high-need area in Utah’s educational system will bring the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to fill a gap in education, as well as may improve your chances of employment post-graduation. According to the Utah State Office of Education, the following specialties are currently shortage areas in Utah:

  • Secondary Mathematics
  • Secondary Science
  • Special Education (all areas)
  • Chinese
  • Elementary Dual Immersion

In terms of salary, Utah offers pay competitive with surrounding states. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual mean wage of popular teaching positions in Utah in 2012 was:

  • $49,440 for elementary school teachers
  • $51,070 for secondary school teachers
  • $52,980 for special education teachers

Take the first step to becoming a teacher in Utah today! Explore the featured listings on this page, contact the ones that interest you and compare programs. We recommend contacting several schools to gather more information and help you make the most informed decision possible about your future.

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