Home Degrees Bachelor's North Dakota

North Dakota Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Interested in becoming a teacher in North Dakota? You’re in the right place. At EducationDegree.com, we maintain a directory of Bachelor’s in education programs from schools all across the country, including North Dakota universities. If you want to teach in North Dakota, read on to learn more about how to become a licensed teacher; or begin exploring the featured schools on this page, using our easy forms to contact them, for more information on the benefits of each program. We recommend talking with several universities before making your decision to ensure you’ve found the perfect fit for your educational needs.

Earning Your Bachelor’s in Education in North Dakota

North Dakota boasts many excellent universities across the state, with both campus locations and several online programs. As you consider the North Dakota universities offering Bachelor’s in education programs, think carefully about what area of education you would like to teach, as your chosen program will guide you toward teacher certification in that subject. Common focuses offered by North Dakota Bachelor’s in education programs include:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Middle Level Education
  • Physical Education
  • Music Education
  • Chemistry Education
  • Math Education
  • And more

Most Bachelor’s in education programs require a large number of credits in general education courses covering English, humanities and fine arts, math, and social and natural sciences. These courses will serve as the foundation for your education. Apart from these, you will also be required to take professional education classes covering topics such as teaching methods and classroom management, and finally, courses focusing specifically on your chosen major or degree concentration. Most programs will include student teaching or an internship as part of your professional education, allowing you real-world experience in the classroom.

To qualify for initial teacher licensure in North Dakota, you will need to have earned a Bachelor’s degree from a state-approved education program, have graduated with a GPA of 2.5, successfully completed 10 full weeks of student teaching, and have passed pre-professional skills tests for reading, writing and mathematics.

Career Outlook and Salary for Teachers in North Dakota

Choosing to study an area of education deemed high-need has many benefits. You may qualify for North Dakota University System’s teacher shortage loan forgiveness program, you may improve your chances of employment post-graduation, and you’ll gain the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to fill a gap in North Dakota’s education system. Currently, North Dakota State Government lists every content area except for elementary and physical education as critical shortage areas for the 2013-2014 school year.

In terms of earnings, North Dakota offers teacher salaries competitive with surrounding states, especially given North Dakota’s low cost of living. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual mean wage of popular teaching positions in North Dakota in 2012 were:

  • $46,000 for elementary school teachers
  • $44,780 for secondary school teachers
  • $42,100 for special education teachers, kindergarten

North Dakota teachers also have good healthcare, retirement benefits, and, of course, summers off. Another benefit to teaching in North Dakota is the low student-to-teacher ratio: 11 to 1, one of the lowest in the nation.

Take the first step to becoming a teacher in North Dakota! Explore the featured programs on this page, then reach out to several for more information. As a general rule, we recommend contacting multiple schools to gather more information, helping you to make the best-informed decision about the future of your education.

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