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Iowa Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Iowans know that a solid education is key to quality of life they have enjoyed for decades. They also know that formal education can never begin too early. That is why preschool and elementary teachers are in just as high of demand as secondary school teachers and college professors. If you are looking to become a teacher, Iowa is a great place to begin!

At EducationDegree.com, we make it simple for you to find and connect with Iowa universities offering Bachelor’s in education programs. Read on to learn more about the basic requirements needed to become a teacher in Iowa. Or, explore the featured schools on this page and reach out to several to learn more about what their programs can offer you.

Earning Your Bachelor’s in Education in Iowa

The first step in becoming a teacher in Iowa is finding the right Bachelor’s in education programs for your educational goals. Many Iowa universities offer Bachelor’s in education programs, which means you’ll have a wide pool of options to choose from. As you consider programs, keep in mind what degree concentration or area of instruction you would like to teach and eventually become certified in. Common areas of undergraduate licensure include:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Physical Education
  • Special Education
  • Family and Consumer Sciences Education

Curriculum in your chosen Bachelor’s in education program will encompass an array of subjects, from general education in the humanities and social sciences to professional education courses. Depending on your chosen area of licensure, some of your core courses may include:

  • Learning Technologies in the PK-6 Classroom
  • Strategies for Teaching
  • Supervised Student Teaching
  • Math for Elementary Education I

To receive an initial teacher licensure in Iowa, you must meet the following requirements, as outlined by the Iowa Board of Educational Examiners:

  • Hold a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university
  • Complete an approved teacher preparation program
  • Complete an approved human relations component
  • Complete the requirements for a teacher endorsement
  • Complete the Iowa mandated tests
  • Meets the regency requirement of 6 college credits or teaching experience, either within the last 5 years

Career Outlook for Teachers in Iowa

Choosing to a study an area of education that is currently in short supply could help improve your chances of employment post-graduation. According to the Iowa Department of Education, for the 2013-2014 school year, Iowa is experiencing a teacher shortage in the following areas:

  • Early Childhood
  • English as a Second Language (Kindergarten – Grade 12)
  • Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Health (Grades 5-12)
  • Mathematics (Grades 5-12)
  • Special Education (multiple areas)
  • And many more

Iowa offers teacher salaries that are competitive with those of surrounding states. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2012, the annual mean wage of several popular teaching positions in Iowa included:

  • $47,640 for elementary school teachers
  • $46,120 for secondary school teachers
  • $59,340 for special education teachers

After working as a teacher, some people choose to become school counselors, principals or instructional coordinators. They may also choose a role of educating the educator. Career growth is mainly dependent on personal interests and availability of advanced positions.

Take the first in becoming a teacher in Iowa today! Explore the featured schools on this page offering Bachelor’s in education programs, and contact several using our simple forms to learn more about what they can offer you. Contacting multiple schools will help you gather more information and make the most-informed decision possible about the future of your education.

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