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Idaho Bachelor’s in Education Programs

If you want to succeed in the field of education, earning your Bachelor’s degree in education is a great way to get started. At EducationDegree.com we offer a directory of Bachelor’s in education programs from around the country, including Idaho, to help connect students with the right programs for their educational needs. Read on to learn more about how to become a teacher in Idaho, or start exploring the featured programs on this page to get a head start.

Earning Your Bachelor’s in Education in Idaho

The first and often most important step in choosing a program for your needs is selecting what area of education you would like to teach. Bachelor’s in education programs are often called teacher preparation programs because not only do they prepare you to work in a specific area of education, but they also guide you through to teacher licensure. Degree concentrations commonly offered by Idaho universities include:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Physical Education
  • Music Education

Each program will have different curriculum requirements, but in general, most Idaho Bachelor’s in education programs will require a large number of classes in general education courses to provide a solid foundation for the rest of your teacher education. Those majoring in secondary education in Idaho will either complete a 45-credit teaching major or one 30-credit teaching major and one 20-credit teaching minor in the subject they wish to teach, such as math, physical science, social sciences, art or a number of other subjects commonly taught in middle and high schools. Elementary education students will need to complete an emphasis area such as English, math, science or history.

Regardless of program, all students will also need to complete professional education core courses, and most students will participate in a one-semester student teaching internships. To qualify for initial teacher licensure in Idaho, you will need to have successfully completed a teacher preparation program, have a recommendation from your university and pass the official Praxis II assessment.

Career Outlook for Teachers in Idaho

As you choose which area of education you would like to study, consider subjects deemed teacher shortage areas by the Idaho Department of Education. These are subject areas within the state of Idaho that need more teachers; choosing to study one of these areas could possibly improve your chances of employment post-graduation and even qualify you for additional financial aid and loan cancellation programs. For the 2013-2014 school year, Idaho’s Superintendent of Public Instruction deemed the following subjects as teacher shortage areas for the state:

  • Basic Mathematics
  • Bilingual Education (Kindergarten – Grade 12)
  • Chemistry (Grades 6-12)
  • English (Grades 6-12)
  • English as a New Language (Kindergarten – Grade 12)
  • Natural Science (Grades 6-12)
  • Physical Education
  • Special Education Blended (Birth – Grade 3)
  • Standard Elementary
  • And many more

Average Teacher Salary in Idaho

Idaho’s teacher salaries are comfortable for the state’s low-cost of living. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2012 the annual mean wage for several popular teaching positions in Idaho included:

  • $48,130 for elementary school teachers
  • $45,540 for secondary school teachers
  • $41,650 for kindergarten teachers
  • $49,700 for special education teachers, middle school

If you want to teach in Idaho, take the first step today! Just start by exploring the featured programs on this page and contacting several schools for more information on the benefits of their programs. Generally, we recommend contacting several schools in order to make the most informed decision possible about the future of your education.

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