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Delaware Bachelor’s in Education Degrees

If you want to become a teacher in Delaware, earning your BA in education is a logical first step. You can develop a solid foundation on which you can build classroom experience, and prepare for graduate level degrees.

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Earning Your Bachelor in Education in Delaware

Teaching in Delaware can be a wonderful career choice for the right candidate, but you will first need to meet certain requirements. In order to become a teacher in Delaware, it all starts with completing a four-year bachelor’s degree in education. This degree will give you a well-rounded education in a variety of subjects, but you can also choose to specialize in a particular field where you feel most comfortable. Students earning their bachelor’s degree in education should expect to take courses that include the following:

  • Principles of Teaching
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Classroom Management
  • Assessing Learning and Skills
  • Literacy Development

The Delaware Department of Education requires all licensed teachers to have a bachelor’s degree in order to become certified, but there are other things that you might need to do in order to work for the public school system. Expect to complete a minimum of one semester of student teaching and pass the Praxis I knowledge assessment test before being certified.

Career Outlook for Graduates in Delaware

Delaware may be small, but there is no shortage of career opportunities for those who hold a bachelor’s degree in education. Education is a priority within the state, and trained, motivated and effective teachers are in high demand. Graduates often find themselves teaching within the public school system, but there are also a number of private schools hiring at the elementary and secondary education levels.

Delaware is home to more than half of the publicly-traded companies in the United States as well as half of the Fortune 500 companies, and this results in a big demand for educational corporate trainers. Educators often find this to be an interesting and lucrative career choice. Some of the major private employers in Delaware who hire curriculum developers and corporate trainers include the Bank of America, Perdue Farms and Barclays.

Average Salary for Teachers in Delaware

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics has data from 2012 that estimates annual education salaries in Delaware at $51,240. However, that number includes post-secondary as well as corporate training positions. Teachers in the public school system can expect to earn anywhere from $53,950 to $67,390 annually, and that number only rises with every year of experience.

The Benefits of a BA in Education

Earning a bachelor’s in education in Delaware can prepare you for a number of interesting careers in the state, and many of them come with salaries than can offer a very comfortable standard of living. Along with the financial benefits, teaching can serve to be an enriching experience.

Achieve your goal of starting a teaching career in Rhode Island. Contact the schools below to learn more about their accredited bachelor’s programs!

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