Home Degrees Bachelor's Colorado

Colorado Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Earning your Bachelor’s degree in education is the first step to a successful, fulfilling career as an educator. If you’re interested in becoming a teacher in Colorado, EducationDegree.com can help. We maintain a directory of schools across the nation offering Bachelor’s in education program, including Colorado universities, that guide you in becoming a teacher. Read on to learn more about how to become a licensed teacher in Colorado, or get a head-start by exploring the programs on this page.

Earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Education in Colorado

Colorado boasts many universities through which you can earn your Bachelor’s degree in education. As you peruse the many options, be sure to keep in mind what area of education interests you as the typical program, sometimes called a teacher preparation program, will guide you through to teacher licensure. Common program offerings through Colorado universities include:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • K-12 Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Special Education
  • Music Education

Curriculum will vary between programs, but usually you will need take general education courses in English, math and science to provide a foundation for your education; professional courses in teaching topics; and classes geared toward your chosen specialization. You will also likely participate in a student teaching internship to gain real-life experience in the classroom.

To qualify for an initial teacher license in Colorado, you must complete a state-approved teacher preparation program and pass a Colorado State Board of Education-approved content assessment. The license will be valid for three years; after that you will apply for a Professional License that must be renewed every five years.

Average Teacher Salary in Colorado

Colorado offers salaries competitive with surrounding states. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual mean wage for popular teaching positions in 2012 included:

  • $49,780 for elementary school teachers
  • $51,500 for secondary school teachers
  • $54,090 for special education teachers

Teaching in Colorado offers other benefits, too, such as a retirement fund and health care. Educators may also take advantage of a summer vacation that provides them with an opportunity to travel or spend time with their families.

If you want to become a teacher in Colorado, take the first step today! Explore the featured programs on this page, and reach out to several schools for more information. As a general rule, we recommend contacting multiple schools to better make an informed decision and find the perfect fit for your educational needs.

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