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Arizona Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Arizona Bachelor’s in Education Programs

Teachers play a big role in the future of society. With a teaching degree, you can help shape young minds. You’re in the right place to learn how to earn a Bachelor’s in education in Arizona. Keep reading to learn more about degree requirements. You can also learn how to become a teacher in Arizona and peek at job growth for teachers.

Earning Your Bachelor’s in Education in Arizona

A Bachelor’s degree in education is the first step to becoming a teacher. There are many four-year colleges that have these programs. Most degrees last between four and five years. During this time, build a strong base of knowledge by taking teaching and general education courses.

The courses you take should help you meet set learning goals. Colleges in Arizona for teaching set their own standards. Check multiple colleges before choosing a program. Each course should grow your knowledge in one or more ways. Learning goals look at content knowledge and teaching skills. They also cover professional responsibility and instructional practice.

Classes vary between areas of study. At the Bachelor’s level, you can choose areas like early, elementary, special, and secondary education. If you choose secondary education, you also have to choose an academic subject. Options include math, history, art, music, science, and English. You may be able to take your subject area courses as part of an online education degree.

Commonly Required Teaching Courses in Arizona

  • Introduction to Education
  • Cultural Diversity in Education
  • Math for Early/Elementary Education
  • School and Society
  • Communication in the Classroom
  • Evaluation of Learning
  • Educational Psychology
  • Classroom Management

Once you have your Bachelor’s in education in Arizona, you may apply for an Arizona teaching license through the Arizona Department of Education. You must fill out an Initial Certificate Application. The next step is passing the Assessment of Professional Knowledge exams. You must submit fingerprints, send transcripts, and pay a fee of $60.

The Outlook for Teaching in Arizona

Arizona may be a great place to become a teacher. The job outlook is positive. Growth statistics are higher than national averages. By 2024, O*Net expects job growth for elementary school teachers to increase 20% (2017). Job growth for secondary school teachers is expected to increase at the same rate (O*Net, 2017). Demand for special education teachers may also see a 20% boost (O*Net, 2017).

Your salary may depend on which school district you work for. The grade level you teach is another income factor. The average salary for an elementary school teacher is $42,730 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017). At the secondary school level, teachers report an average income of $48,020 annually (BLS, 2017). In elementary schools, graduates of special education programs bring in a mean income of $44,420 per year (BLS, 2017).

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