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Alabama Bachelor’s in Education Programs

If you’re interested in becoming a teacher in Alabama, earning a Bachelor’s in education is a logical first step. Teaching is a rewarding career that transforms young students into critical thinkers and problem solvers. As a profession, teaching provides an array of opportunities for advancement in your own community.

At EducationDegree.com, we make it simple to find, contact and compare accredited Alabama universities offering Bachelor’s in education programs for prospective students who want to pursue careers in education. Explore the featured schools on this page to begin your journey to becoming a teacher! We recommend contacting several schools to better explore your options and find the right Bachelor’s program for you.

Earning Your Bachelor’s in Education in Alabama

As outlined by the Alabama Department of Education, an accredited Bachelor’s in education program must contain courses in the liberal arts and approximately 15 to 30 credits that focus on your chosen specialty area of study. Alabama offers several areas of study, such as elementary school, special education, early childhood, and middle or high school education. Prospective teachers in Alabama can also choose a certification in special education that is separated into different areas of learning and physical disabilities. Core courses that reflect the specialty in your curriculum may include:

  • Guiding the Behavior of the Young Child
  • Assessment and Screening of the Exceptional Child
  • Music and Movement for Elementary Aged Children
  • Curriculum and Design of Secondary School Programs
  • Transitional Kindergarten Program Design

Once you graduate, you will need to complete a teacher preparation program to qualify for certification. Alabama offers three levels of teacher certification: Class B, for new teachers; Class A, for teachers who earn their Master’s degree; and Class AA, for teachers pursuing a doctorate degree or taking courses post-Master’s. Prerequisites for a Class B license include earning a Bachelor’s degree and completing a teacher preparation program. To earn your teacher certification, you will also need to pass basic skill assessment tests administered by the state, as well as the Praxis II Test

The Outlook for Teachers in Alabama

To improve your chances of finding employment post-graduation, it’s always wise to study a field in high-demand. The Alabama Department of Education reports that the subjects for which it has the most difficulty finding teachers are science, mathematics, special education, foreign languages, the arts, and career/technical education, which includes family and consumer sciences and technology education. By studying one of these specialties, not only will you be improving your own chances of success, but you’ll also discover the reward of helping fill a need in the state’s education field.

Alabama offers competitive pay for teacher positions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual mean wage for popular positions in Alabama in 2012 was:

  • $48,450 for elementary school teachers
  • $49,500 for secondary school teachers
  • $48,780 for middle school teachers
  • $55,000 for special education teachers

Becoming a teacher also has many hidden rewards. Teachers may take summer and holiday vacations that allow them time with their families, travel around the globe or just sit back and recharge for the coming school year. Let us help you take the next step toward a successful career in the field of education. Contact our featured schools to learn more about earning your Bachelor’s in education today!

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