Home 5 Tips For New Teachers in 2017

5 Tips For New Teachers in 2017

Congratulations! You’re finally at the front of the classroom, ready to help your new class of students learn to the best of their abilities. Now that you’ve finally landed your first teaching job, you probably need to calm a few nerves. No matter how much you prepare, how well you perform on your exams, or determined your students are to learn, you’re going to be in for a few surprises when you start this profession. That isn’t a bad thing – encountering the unexpected is a factor with any new job. That’s why we have these 5 simple tips for new teachers. Some of this advice for first year teachers you may have heard while earning your degree and license. But it never hurts to be reminded that every teacher faces hurdles then they’re just starting out – and throughout their careers.

So here are 5 tips for beginning teachers…

tips for teachers

  • Have a plan for working with parents. If you’re working in K-12 education, you need to remember that parents can greatly impact your ability to teach. Start by outlining a communication strategy, and implement it from day one. This way, you are setting the boundaries and expectations when it comes to communication. With many students to account for at once, you’ll need to be the best manager of your time. Just like students, parents come in all types. During your education, make sure you pay attention when this topic is discussed. And ask professionals how they approach this challenge.
  • Exercise humility. Do you think you’re going to stand in front of 20-30 students every day and not embarrass yourself from time-to-time? Wrong. Remember, you’re human like anyone else. Having a degree of humility can also help you avoid unnecessary power struggles with students, just to prove you have control of the classroom. Plus, when you show students that you are human and can make mistakes, it shows them how to express their own humbleness and empathy for others.
  • Make friends with all types of teachers and school workers. Everyone from your principal, administrative assistants, custodians, to your fellow teachers. Learn everyone’s perspectives and understand their role. When you go out of your way to be a positive force in your school, it can spread. The more you can contribute to the culture of your school, the greater your impact will be.
  • Look for extracurricular opportunities. Most schools need teachers to help fill roles leading after school activities. If you have experience in a particular sport, or want to help work events, this can be a great way to network and contribute to student growth. It can also be a way to connect with your community, peers, and show administration that you are willing to go above and beyond.
  • Consider continuing your education! Many teachers earn their graduate level degree while teaching so they can make a greater impact in their school. If you want to focus on curriculum development or specialize in a particular area, consider furthering your education. Most programs are flexible and cater to current teachers who have to juggle career and family responsibilities.

Are you a new or experienced teacher who has more helpful tips for first year teachers? Please share them with us on our Facebook page!

If you’re looking for bachelor’s or graduate level degree programs in teaching, you can use our connections to schools in your state to start comparing your options.