Home How to Become a Teacher in Louisiana New Orleans

Teaching Degrees in New Orleans

It’s undeniable that education is a consistently discussed topic among Americans today. Underscoring that position is the truism that education has been a highly valued source of vitality in the nation and has led to the growth of the United States over the past century due to its influence on productivity in a number of areas.

With this being the case, it may be apparent to you to become a part of this driving force by finding out how to become a teacher in New Orleans. The Orleans Parish School Board is the main authority that oversees all of the public schools within New Orleans as well as private schools. Beginning the process of gaining teacher certification in New Orleans will lead you to a hefty amount of options, which you can sort through thanks to our directory.

How To Become A Teacher In New Orleans

The key thing for aspiring professionals who wish to attain teaching jobs in New Orleans is to research the pathway to that goal. The first step is to reach out to a group like the Associated Professional Educators of Louisiana for networking opportunities. Another group of educators that you may be interested in consulting with is the Louisiana Science Teachers Association, which oversees all science education in the state as well as those dispensing it.

For those who are interested in obtaining TESOL certification in New Orleans, an organization to consider is the Louisiana Teachers of English to Speakers Of Other Languages. That group has proven helpful to those who aim to fill the need for ESL teaching jobs in the region. And finally, there’s the New Orleans Music Teachers Association for those who wish to teach in the musical education field. Any of these groups are suitable for you on your journey towards teacher certification in New Orleans.

The customary path, if you haven’t achieved it as of yet, is to gain a Bachelor’s degree in education. If you want to add more to you knowledge base, you can also pursue Master’s level degrees along those lines as well. Of course, you can also avail yourself of gaining licensing through alternative means if you have a Bachelor’s degree. There are a few institutions that one can consult along those lines to also be able to obtain TESOL certification in New Orleans through alternative paths.

The Teaching Outlook in New Orleans

New Orleans has made it a point in recent years to redouble their efforts when it comes to providing quality education and enabling individuals to get a chance to work in teaching jobs in New Orleans. This is due in part to a slowed increase that was projected for 2016 and this year according to state numbers by the Louisiana Workers Commission. In spite of that, teaching positions saw modest gains in the New Orleans area. As of 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, teaching positions in the New Orleans area numbered over 30,000 with an annual mean average salary of $45, 910. Depending on the specialty that you may look to enter, the salary may be higher, such as ESL teaching jobs for example.

A further breakdown by specialties reveals the following information:

2017 Annual Salaries for Teachers in New Orleans

  • Kindergarten school teachers: $48,910 per year (BLS, 2017)
  • Elementary school teachers: $48,850 per year (BLS, 2017)
  • Secondary school teachers: $50,300 per year (BLS, 2017)

Making the decision to become a teacher is something that not only benefits you but the community that you serve in that capacity. The key is to select the right school that will help you get your education degree in order to help others.