Home Degrees Online Teaching Certification Kansas

Kansas Teaching Certificate Programs

Below you’ll find a comprehensive listing of the Graduate Teaching Certificate programs available from schools in Kansas. If you’re looking for initial teacher certification programs, check out either our list of Bachelors in Education Programs or Kansas Alternative Certification Programs. Most of the programs down below are for people who are already teachers.

A certificate in special education can help teachers who already work in Kansas expand their career opportunities while offering new opportunities for teachers who move to the state. According to the U.S. Department of Education, all of the teacher shortage areas in Kansas for the 2011-2012 school year were special education jobs. The Department notes that Kansas schools need interpreters, occupational therapists, physical therapists and teachers to work with the hearing impaired, among others. In May 2010, Kansas employed 1,330 secondary special education teachers. They earned a median annual wage of almost $50,000 in 2010.

Featured Schools in Kansas

At Butler Community College, you can earn a certificate in early childhood education. This certificate allows you to work in a preschool or elementary environment as a special education paraprofessional. Washburn University offers an add-on certificate in special education to already-licensed elementary or secondary teachers who wish to obtain an additional endorsement to work with special education students. This certificate can make Kansas teachers more marketable. Wichita State University offers some specialized programs for teachers looking to work in a special education area. There, teachers can earn add-on certificates in play therapy, reading, and literacy.

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