Home Degrees Doctorate South Dakota

Doctorate in Education Degrees in South Dakota

The doctorate in education (Ed.D) in South Dakota is designed to address the recent trends and initiatives of the most pressing issues in education today. With a curriculum inspired by some of the most influential education practitioners, you may be prepared for positions involving research, policy construction and leadership. South Dakota highly values its education practitioners and provides numerous career opportunities.

Earning Your Ed.D in South Dakota

The goal of an Ed.D. program is to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skill to improve the field of education at various levels. Choose your discipline from among numerous specialties and areas of instructions, including:

  • Educational Leadership in Higher Education
  • Curriculum and Design Specialist
  • Policy Studies in Politics
  • Social Studies, Humanities and Education

As you identify your learning objectives within a well-designed course curriculum, you may also experience additional courses in the humanities, philosophies and language to provide a rich and encompassing educational foundation. Courses in your curriculum may include:

  • Interdisciplinary Policy Studies
  • Complex Management of Education Systems
  • Technology Based Learning Theories
  • Philosophy of Pedagogy and Current Trends

Outlook for Graduates in South Dakota

Outlook for Ed.D. grads in South Dakota looks promising, especially within certain fields of study. According to the 2012 State Integrated Workforce Plan, the South Dakota Workforce Initiatives (South Dakota Wins) will help create differential pay for science and math teachers to help attract and retain educators in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. The same report also states that jobs requiring postsecondary education are expected to grow by 12.2 percent by 2020, with secondary school teachers listed as one of 34 occupations that will need more workers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the state of South Dakota employs fewer postsecondary education administrators than other states, but at $101,160 as the annual mean wage in 2012, those educators tends to be paid higher than many surrounding states.

As an Ed.D prepared educator, you may be qualified to take the path to professorship in South Dakota’s institutions of higher learning, or serve as an advisor to the board of education though a position such as a superintendent. In addition to traditional roles, educators may explore the advantages of lucrative positions in businesses, private education and virtual online classrooms. Advanced educators can find opportunities in Fortune 500 Companies, large corporations and pharmaceutical companies that require skills in developing education programs.

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